Sunday, February 18, 2007

Force - Facing our Risk

Finally, I found a site devoted to people at risk for hereditary breast or ovarian cancer.

FORCE - Facing Our Risk Cancer Empowered.

Women on that site are grappling with choices about what to do if BRCA gene mutation positive and talking about their progress through oophorectomies and prophylactic bilateral mastectomies.

I am trying not to beat myself up too much about being obsessed by the whole subject.
Reasonable for me to be more into this whole subject than I was in December about reading, thinking and quoting Eragon, and The End of the Spear.

Brainstorm as I lay awake at 5 AM. How many families like mine will never get a warning, because we only had one relative with breast cancer at age 40. How to get people thinking about the percentage of susceptible people with early breast or ovarian cancer.

And the link and date of the article from Dr. Len's Cancer Blog about limitations of genetic testing for hereditary breast cancer is: Posted 3/21/06

And, I guess I better warn more relatives about this site, as I actually found it on the search blog search engine today.

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